Session 1
WALT: Recognises prime and composite numbers
You will need a new page in your maths book or book youy are working.
Title the page: Prime and Composite Numbers
Use the audio recording to complete the definitions (Write the full definitions in your books).
Title the page: Prime and Composite Numbers
Use the audio recording to complete the definitions (Write the full definitions in your books).
A prime number is a number that is _________ divisible by _______ and 1.
- Watch the tutorial video
Complete the number grid, filling in the prime numbers
Session 2
WALT: How to reduce a composite number into its prime factors.
Watch the tuorial video.
Head to Google Classroom and complete the assignment. Remember to 'Hand it in' |
Session 3
WALT: Understand the square and Cube numbers
Watch the video have a go at the activities.